Wavelab pro 10 upgrade
Wavelab pro 10 upgrade

The job of the mastering engineer is to take the final mix of the album, song, soundtrack, or other audio source, and make it consistent with professional standards. I’ll have a lot to say about WaveLab Pro 10, which is frankly amazing, but first lets see what “mastering” is. WaveLab Pro 10 is Steinberg’s newest version of their acclaimed mastering software (and as with Dorico, there is also an “ Elements” version with just the basic capabilities for learners and those just interested in checking out mastering for fun).

wavelab pro 10 upgrade

Since we’re all about getting musicians value for their money, and saving it where we can, the appearance of WaveLab Pro 10 seemed perfect for this blog. I had just spoken with a couple of friends who had decided to master individual songs and were wondering whether it was money well spent. There are a lot of misconceptions and partial truths floating around about mastering.

wavelab pro 10 upgrade

‘They’ll fix the mix in mastering” “The more you spend on mastering the better your song will sound” “I didn’t master my CD and it sounds great anyway” “We sell our CD’s at gigs so we didn’t need to master them.” Executive Summary: We look at WaveLab Pro 10, another astonishingly powerful software tool from Steinberg that can save you thousands of dollars while teaching you one of the most valuable skills in music, all the while improving your mixing and grasp of the entire recording chain.

Wavelab pro 10 upgrade